Wednesday, September 8, 2010


Yes, I know. Ace Attorney /sighs

For some reason I'm craving games these days. Not those fighting games, they're fun with a partner but otherwise it's boring. You corner up your oppnent and beat them up til' they're KOed. What's so great about that? (other than the sexy chicks you can play as)

I'm more of a RPG-strategy-simulation type of person. Games that make you think without actually thinking. It brings out your true you, in a way.

Like for instance, me and my bro (Po). We have this deal where he helps me level up and pile up on enemies and I give out commands during bosses. Where in reality he's the pro in chess ( he's 10 and he beats 15-17 year olds) and I follow bruce lee's " Don't think FEEL" and kick ass.

Which reminds me about a conversation I had with marsha a couple of weeks ago, It's been a while since we both had a (3-hour) chat. The conversation started with talking about pastries and Mr E's good taste in choclate then in some way it developed into the "finding yourself"-talks. That's where I suddenly told her that I can't talk to multiple people at the same time aka. I can't talk to people in crowds, it's not that I can't handle crowds. It's more like I can't keep the convo going in crowds. She was pretty shocked with this since well, I talk alot and I'm that type of person who likes to talk to someone for hours, and I can actually keep it up for hours! Well the main reason why is that I when I talk to somene I give them my full attention, and I really can't split it. It doesn't feel right, I doubt that I won't be able to spilt my attention into two.

See it founds out that I'm a thinker. And yes I am shocked, so the only way I can talk to people is to either catch up on msn or to actualy drag them out of a crowd and talk.

Minal aidin wa faidzin to my islamic brothers and sisters!

" It's not kidnapping, it's surprise adoption! " -Taffy

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