The plot(s):
Karate kid (Old) & Karate kid (New) : The main character moves to another city/country, talks to a pretty girl he likes and gets beaten up by a martial arts bully. And almost beats them up unconsciously til the handyman (who's actually a martial arts "master") comes up and stops the them. Then one way or another the handyman agrees on training them and showing the "right" way of kungfu/karate by doing simple everyday things. Then they battle in a tournament and advances til the semi-final where they battle their opponets team mate. The team mate gets an order from their sensei/laoshi to break our main characters leg. Our main characters leg is now broken but by using their handymans magical-chi power they recover and battle their final opponent: The bully. Bom and bang our main character wins. [ insert moral stuff here] The End.
Actually both were pretty good in their own way, but I grew up with the original karate kid and the whole "new" Karate kid rips off the old one. I don't know what the storyboard producers were thinking but the whole plot were so similar that the only few differences were that Daniel moved to L.A. and Jaden moved to China. What's the point in making a new karate kid movie when the original one kicks more ass then the new one? Sorry but Miyagi is winning this one, No one likes a rip-off. But points for the asians in the New Karate Kid though, me likey the yellow people.
"I'd kiss you if you brought me a 1L bucket of mint-choco and the whole season of Code Geass"- Taffy
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