Thursday, September 23, 2010

Urgh I'll Combo You!

Still in the 30 day challenge! whoop whoop
Next question, I've decided to combo it. Since recently people has been asking me how I think of these touchy-touchy topics, and the TWO questions are :

"Day 03 - Your views on drugs and alcohol."

When I first saw this question I was like " OMG health-class-question much?" It's not that I don't care about this topic it's just, well stupid. The people who do drugs they know it's dangerous and still they do it. And people who do, do drugs and are not aware, then I blame the people around them, even the goverment. We live in this countries, and a goverments job is to make it's people happy! and not happy as in "I'm so darn high whoop" but in healthy happy. Aware them, then pass on yor awareness about drugs. It's all about cooperation and opening yourself, that's all we need. ( But I am so for drugs in medical use)

Next question is really touchy especially for me, living in a majority Islamic country, I'll keep this short to avoid any controversial ( Hopefully)

"Day 04 - Your views on religion"

Sigh, it's not that. I've been exposed to so many issues about this. Why can't we all get along? religion is religion, it's not debatteble nor is it an issue strong enough to drop a bomb about it. We have human rights, to believe in what we want and to express what we believe. Some people see these conventions as an advantage ( in a bad way no need to give examples), and misinterpreting it. I believe that anything can be solved through discussions these days, and if you're smart enough to make a nuclear bomb with human logic and why not settle down and disscus with the human logic that we proclaim that we have? but that answer will probably be mixed by pride and prejudice.

Final answer to number 3 and 4:

- " Izzz bad"

- " I have my way of worshipping, and I believe in god"

"Shawty short short post"-Taffy

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

A Decade?

I guess I'll be writing in my blog a little more often now, okay then next question :
"Day 02 - Where you’d like to be in 10 years. "
Lemme see, that means that I'll be around 26 then? Eww old. Well I've always wanted to be a lawyer, well more like I've wanted to work with something related to law for a long time. Sigh, I'll give you peek on my plans, well more like dreams :


After graduating, I'd like to take my LSAT ( which is sad that they don't have it here) then go to college, I'd love to go to GWU or Den haag law school. I refuse to study law in Indonesia, why? well let's save it up for next time shall we. Moving on after I graduate from my bachelor degree, I want to search for a masters degree in Law, International law. Since I hear it's easier that way :)

Sadly I can't learn anything from the social science part in my hisgh school years, I'm ( sadly) taking science, kinda drowning here btw. And yes I do suck in chemistry, whether it's in english or not. But one thing that I've learned from dad is that the future is never secure, no matter how smart or how good you are.


Dad he actually wanted to be an engineer, but he ended up in the International relations program. He was quite pissed at first, but then when he studied for the first semester. He loved it and felt more confident in this major and about this choice than anything else.

Hearing these stories well, I get worried but excited at the same time about what'll the future brings. Truly god has a plan for us all right?

Btw I am SO proud of these little guys :)

" I have my way of worshipping God and his disciples" -Taffy

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Let's Take Up a Challenge

Well I guess I should take up a challenge, I really need to keep track on myself. Let's see first question :
"Day 01 - Your current relationship, if single discuss how single life is."
Wow internet these days, getting so personal and open. Well by me writing in this blog, I'm already participating. However I do not wish to share my "lovey-dovey" relationship stats with you ( Which involves me and a bag of chips with good ol' House and Wilson shaking what god gave them)
Instead I'll tell you a bit about my relationship w/friends,
I've been many persons, well in terms of P4 players, I can switch personas. But not intentionally, sadly. I've been the Nerd, outcast, bitch, teachers pet, jock and even the "it girl" (OMG), and of course that means I've had different friends, with of course different personalities. I've lived in different countries, which means I've meet different kinds of persons with different skin and most importantly different beliefs ( You name it religous, political etc.)
And what amuses me the most about these oh-so-called different people? They're all the same, but different in their stereotypical way. Different as in how they act and think, same as in their loyalty towards other friends that they care about and how I can lose my grip from their frieandship they offer me. And how much I've come to realise that I've never had a friend who's been there for me, there as in physically. (As in actually being there, at that place)
But being in this kind of moving condition, makes me realise that I have 3-4 years here with new friends and I don't want to waste a minute of this. Sadly I can't be attached to people, and I've become used to this. No matter how much I love my newfound and old friends, I can't get myself to attach myself fully to them.
Final answer :
" Unable to attach to people, afraid to commit both in a friendly and romantically way."
" I guess I still have a long way to go. SUIT UP OH YEAH" - Taffy

Monday, September 20, 2010

e.Comp Craziness

Dear lord, I haven't had any time to write so yeah,

Anyways last week ( 15-19) was e.Comp2010, and yes you guessed it your all-time random storyteller was there to compete. But seriously this year's competition was rough and no it's not just Arlene Junstar the other competitors were good ( Honorable mention: Andra). I wish I could post a vid or something to show you how awsome the other competitors were!

Oh and this year was really strict, I even had my personal comitee-dude who followed and waited me to the bathroom. He was funky and pretty cool, but still dude who the heck follows a minor (teenager) to the bathroom and waits for them? it's not that I have a personal acting coach cramped up in the bathroom closet.
Anways let's keep this short enough to post pictures down here,
I meet this comittee guy, Sergio. Now this dude, we connect fast, like people thought that we were old friends ( he's old dadumcah) What I like about this guy is that he reads me, and I feel that we've been multiple persons. Please people I've been the nerd, the popular, the jock even the outcast. I've been so many people that I really don't know who I am. I'm stereotype-less, and in search of "who I am" eww that sounds so cliche'-like-every-teenlit-moral-thing. Well in short I've come to a solution, no matter how much advice or readings I get, I will still keep changing and I just need to handle this "problem" in a way I can see it as a beneficial side for me.
"It's not the problem, it's how you see it "- Sergio

Enough! let the pictures roll!

"Pssh how do you put in captions? #schoooopied #gasp #Isoundlikeatwitterwhore #ihavebecomthone #hahahover140chrts"- Taffy

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


Yes, I know. Ace Attorney /sighs

For some reason I'm craving games these days. Not those fighting games, they're fun with a partner but otherwise it's boring. You corner up your oppnent and beat them up til' they're KOed. What's so great about that? (other than the sexy chicks you can play as)

I'm more of a RPG-strategy-simulation type of person. Games that make you think without actually thinking. It brings out your true you, in a way.

Like for instance, me and my bro (Po). We have this deal where he helps me level up and pile up on enemies and I give out commands during bosses. Where in reality he's the pro in chess ( he's 10 and he beats 15-17 year olds) and I follow bruce lee's " Don't think FEEL" and kick ass.

Which reminds me about a conversation I had with marsha a couple of weeks ago, It's been a while since we both had a (3-hour) chat. The conversation started with talking about pastries and Mr E's good taste in choclate then in some way it developed into the "finding yourself"-talks. That's where I suddenly told her that I can't talk to multiple people at the same time aka. I can't talk to people in crowds, it's not that I can't handle crowds. It's more like I can't keep the convo going in crowds. She was pretty shocked with this since well, I talk alot and I'm that type of person who likes to talk to someone for hours, and I can actually keep it up for hours! Well the main reason why is that I when I talk to somene I give them my full attention, and I really can't split it. It doesn't feel right, I doubt that I won't be able to spilt my attention into two.

See it founds out that I'm a thinker. And yes I am shocked, so the only way I can talk to people is to either catch up on msn or to actualy drag them out of a crowd and talk.

Minal aidin wa faidzin to my islamic brothers and sisters!

" It's not kidnapping, it's surprise adoption! " -Taffy